
【SBB-106】僕だけの優しいママにおもいっきり甘えたい 【双语】你好!中国 | 还有谁不知谈东北饭包的魔力!

发布日期:2024-07-23 22:36    点击次数:122

【SBB-106】僕だけの優しいママにおもいっきり甘えたい 【双语】你好!中国 | 还有谁不知谈东北饭包的魔力!



Northeast Rice Wraps, also known as vegetable wraps, are a classic delicacy on the dining table of Northeast China. A large vegetable leaf wraps around rice, mashed potatoes, ham, chopped scallions, coriander, peanuts, and egg sauce. One big bite and you've got both meat and vegetables.


The fragrant rice paired with the soft mashed potatoes, rich sauce, and green vegetable leaves creates an exquisite taste. It's not just the aroma of the food but also a love for life.


Imagine this: on a winter's day, with the warm sun shining through the clouds onto the roof, snow falling outside, and a family sitting around the stove indoors, holding a heavy rice wrap. How blissful is that!

责编:赵骏逸 【SBB-106】僕だけの優しいママにおもいっきり甘えたい


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