女同 telegram 迪士尼真东谈主版《花木兰》女主敲定刘亦菲 异邦网友对此很欢娱
迪士尼《花木兰》真东谈主电影的女主角终于官宣啦,东谈主选恰是中国的“贤良姐姐”刘亦菲。行动迪士尼八公主系列之一女同 telegram,《花木兰》可谓是超等大IP。事实上,刘亦菲能拿下这个资源,海外全球的呼声功不行没。
After a yearlong worldwide search, Mulan has been found. 经由在全球鸿沟内长达一年的搜寻,花木兰的东谈主选终于详情了。
Chinese actress Liu Yifei, also known as Crystal Liu, is set to star as the title woman warrior in Disney's live-action adaptation of the classic Chinese tale. 中国女演员刘亦菲将在迪士尼翻拍的《花木兰》真东谈主电影中献技女将军花木兰。该片改编自同名中国古典据说。
Niki Caro, who most recently helmed “The Zookeeper’s Wife”, will helm the project. “House of Flying Daggers” and “Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon” producer Bill Kong will be executive producer. 本片导演是刚刚持导了《动物园长的夫东谈主》的尼克•卡罗。《四面楚歌》和《卧虎藏龙》的制片东谈主江志强将担任监制。
Whitewashing, the practice of casting white Caucasian actors and actresses in roles originally meant to be characters of color, is all too common in Hollywood. “洗白”即是指启用白东谈主演员出演本应该是有色东谈主种的脚色。这种行为在好莱坞太无数了。
Disney just announced it will develop a live-action Mulan film. Mulan was based on a Chinese legend, the story of Hua Mu Lan, in which a young girl disguises herself as a man to serve as a soldier in the battle against an invasion launched by the Huns. 迪士尼刚刚告示将拍摄真东谈主版《花木兰》电影。花木兰的故事源自中国民间据说,叙述的是一个年青女孩女扮男装,从军战役,反抗匈奴的入侵。
This disturbing trend of whitewashing in big-budget movies can't get a chance to take root in "Mulan" as well. 大资本电影中令东谈主反感的“洗白”民俗不应该出当前《花木兰》中。
Casting a Caucasian actor as a character of color, regardless of reason has a direct, harmful impact on not only the movie itself, but the audience, as well as POC members of the acting community. 遴荐白东谈主演员饰演有色东谈主种,不管出于什么原因,皆会对影片、不雅众乃至所有这个词这个词行业内的有色东谈主种演员产生平直的不良影响。
A team of casting directors visited five continents and saw nearly 1,000 candidates for the role, which requires credible martial arts skills, the ability to speak English and the most ineffable requirement of all: star quality. In deference to cultural accuracy, the studio focused on locating an ethnically Chinese young woman to play Hua Mulan, who disguised herself as a man to take her father's army conscription in fifth-century China. In Liu, Disney found the complete package. 选角导演考核了五大洲,为寻找花木兰口试了近千名候选东谈主,要求技击功底过关,英语会话能力,最伏击的是要有明星气质。在5世纪的中国,花木兰女扮男装替父从军。在尊重文化的前提下,迪士尼奋勉于寻找华侨年青女演员来饰演这个脚色。迪士尼发现,刘亦菲身上具备所有这个词要求。
While Liu may not be familiar to Western audiences, she is considered one of China's most popular actresses and has been nicknamed the “Fairy Sister” by fans and the media. 刘亦菲这个名字关于西方不雅众来说可能有些生分,但她是中国最受接待的女演员之一,被粉丝和媒体称为“贤良姐姐”。
Liu is fluent in English, having lived in Queens, N.Y., for part of her childhood, and acted in English in both 2008's The Forbidden Kingdom, alongside Jackie Chan and Jet Li, and 2014's Outcast, opposite Nicolas Cage and Hayden Christensen. 刘亦菲儿时曾在纽约皇后区生计过一段时辰,说得一口流利的英语。她用英文出演过《功夫之王》(2008),和成龙、李连杰合营,还在《白阴魂传奇之绝命遁迹》(2014)与尼古拉斯•凯奇和海登•克里斯滕森搭档献技。
"Mulan" is expected to be released in 2019. In its statement, Disney said more announcements about the film "will be made in the coming weeks.” 《花木兰》瞻望将于2019年上映。迪士尼在一份声明中称,“在接下来的几周内”将公布更多音信。
英文着手:《好莱坞报谈》女同 telegram,《卫报》等 翻译&裁剪:董静 审校:丹妮